Friday, October 16, 2009

electrical network

Electrical Network

Network: when a number of impedances are connected together to form a system that consists of set interconnected circuits performing specific or assigned functions, it is called a “network” or “circuit”.

Electrical Network: An electrical network is a combination of numerous electric elements (e.g., resistance (R), inductance (L), capacitance (C) etc.

Network Elements: A network element is a component of a circuit having different characteristics.

  1. Linear Elements: A linear element shows linear characteristics of voltage vs current. Simple resistors, inductors and capacitors are linear elements and their resistance; inductance and capacitance do not change with change in applied voltage or the circuit current.
  2. Non-linear Element: for a non-linear element the cirrent passing through it does not change linearly with the linear change in applied voltage at a particular frequency. Example: semiconductor device.
  3. Active Elements: If a circuit element has the capability of enhancing the energy level of a signal passing through it, it is called an active element. Example: Vacuum tubes and Semiconductor devices etc.
  4. Passive Element: They do not have any intrinsic means of signal boosting. Examples: Resistors, Inductors, Capacitors, Thermistors etc.
  5. Unilateral Elements: If the magnitude of the current passing through an element is affected due to change in the polarity of the applied voltage, the element is called unilateral element. Unilateral element offer varying impedances with variations in flow of current. Example: diodes, transistors.
  6. Bilateral Element: If the current magnitude remains the same even if the applied e.m.f.’s polarity is changed, it is called a bilateral element. Bilateral element offer same impedance irrespective of flow of current. Example: resistor, inductor, capacitor.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing Amazing Blog. It's providing very useful guideline for Engineering students.
    get more: Electrical Network Analysis and Synthesis
